Low level:
The 'low level shot' is taken from a point lower than the character's face, normally from the shoulders down. This shot looks up at the character and can create a sense of power about the character and make the audience feel vulnerable to the character on the screen.
Birds Eye/ High View:
This is when the camera is placed looking down at the character. This shot can be used to show a characters vulnerability and can also show moments on the screen when character's are defeated.
Eye Level:
This shot can also be called the point of view shot. This is normally used to show what a certain character is looking at. This shot can be used to show when a character is looking around or scanning a certain area with their eyes.
The Canted Shot:
This shot shows a character with the camera at an angle. This shot can be used to show the world so its not as it seems.
Camera Shots:
Extreme Close Up:
This is a very close up view of a characters face and can be used to show a certain emotion such as sadness through tears coming from the characters eyes. This is also an unfamiliar view for the audience because ordinarily they would never be this close to a persons face.
Mid Shot:
This shot shows a character from the waste upwards. This kind of shot can help the audience get to know a character better because not only can they see a facial expression but they can also see the characters body language on how they may react to a certain situation.
Medium Long Shot:
This shot shows the character from the knees upwards. This can also show a characters facial expression and body language to the audience so that they get to know the character better and can familiarize themselves with him/her.
Long Shot:
This shot is normally used for showing a large object (such as a person) and surroundings or scenery around it.
Extreme Long Shot:
This shot can be used to set the scene for the audience and establish a time and location of the scene. Characters are normally only just visible in this type of shot. This is normally used at the start of the production to give a setting for the story line.
Close Up Shot:
This shot shows a point of interest on the scene and can draw attention to a certain character or object in the scene. With this shot you can also see from someone's point of view. This shot shows the characters head and shoulders. This allows the director to focus on the character and their emotions at that time.
Big Close Up:
This shot is normally a very short shot and shows a persons face in great detail so it fills the screen. This shot is cut off at the forehead and the chin. This shot normally is used to show a persons emotions and sometimes is used in interview situations to show an interviewees guilt or even to see if they are lying. This is also often used in a moment of tension during an interview. This sort of shot is normally used on a person of interest.
Tracking/Tracking Out:
This movement is simply walking towards an object/character and walking outwards from an object/character. Tracking in draws the audience into the action. Tracking out signifies that the action in this sequence is over and the narrative is moving onto the next scene.
Side ways movement/Crab shot:
This movement involves the camera man walking side ways much like a crab would hence the term 'Crab Shot'. This is often used to follow a character or object on the move, this helps the audience keep up with the action.
Arc Movement:
In this movement, the camera moves in a full or semi-circle around the object. In the clip down below the camera moves in a semi-circle around the character. This allows the audience to see a characters reaction and often increases the intensity of the narrative.
Panning Shot:
This is normally where a camera is mounted on a tripod and swivels from left to right or visa-versa. This is often used to follow a moving object within the frame. This can be used with the point of view shot when a character is searching a room.
This shot is a simple movement of the camera going up and down. This is usually achieved effectively by mounting a camera on a tripod. This can be used to show a character who is very tall or strong.
Camera work - Everyone
Actors - Everyone
Explanations - Luke Payne