Thursday, 28 November 2013

Influential films - Goal! The Dream Begins

Title: Goal! The Dream Begins

Genre: Drama/ Sport

Directed By: Danny Cannon

Actors: Kuno Becker, Alesandro Nivola, Stephen Dillane

Release Date: 30th September 2005

Countries: USA/UK

Studio(s): Touchstone Pictures

Distributed By: Buena Vista Pictures
Buena Vista Pictures is a division of Walt Disney Studios. It was established in 1978. It handles distribution for films produced by the Walt Disney Studios including Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone and since 2012 Marvel Studios. It has distributed 6 films that have exceeded the $1-billion-mark in worldwide ticket sales, those films are:
  1. Marvel's The Avengers
  2. Iron Man 3
  3. Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest
  4. Toy Story 3
  5. Pirates Of The Carribean: On Stranger Tides
  6. Alice In Wonderland
Why I picked this film?
I chose this film as I feel it would be similar to the one my group and I plan on making. I feel it would be similar for the main fact that it is a football film and I also plan on making a football opening. By watching this film I would gain an insight into what makes a good football film and by looking at the features used e.g. shots, transitions, audio, storyline etc. that I could include in my own film. Furthermore, I feel this film gives me an idea on how football crowds can influence hooliganism and create an authentic atmospehere which I will try and replicate in my own film.

By Luke Payne

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